Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Save our Education, and Let it Pass...

An artical was posted in the blog called "TexasGovsta" titled "Cut the 911 Budget!" by launicanena24. In this post she talks how Rep. Paul Workman , R-Austin plans on making budget cuts to the 911 answering services. Ms. Alvarado mentions how the bill would cut down cost in the less trafficking places like; Elgin, Lago Vista, and some other places that are getting less calls.

I agree with her, because like she states why do we have to make cuts where they really effect do effect us. We need those teachers, librarians, and other staff they plan to cut for our children to get a better future. She clearly states how she feels about this bill and she makes it clear how the bill is going to work and explains that are more parts to it than just that. Ms. Alvarado has a good standpoint she worries about our education, and the education of our grand state. All in all  i agree that this bill is better for the states future than overstuffed classrooms, not having counslers, and not having librarians. Thank you Ms. Alvarado for the enlightening article and putting me more at ease knowing that there is such a bill being evaluated.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Danger, Danger

           As I was searching the state newspapers for interesting article that would catch my attention I came across an article that terrifies me, the article talks about the possibility of individuals being able to bring concealed weapons into schools, bars, and even churches. When did it become okay to even consider bringing a gun into a church the place that is sacred. Wayne Slater tells us about the reasons behind why Texas law makers would consider on passing the law. In the article it mentions the shooting of Congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords, he mentions the fear that Texas Government officials have about going to certain places and being in the open, but would it make a difference if they had a gun, or would having a gun make the bad situation worse? 
         The article mentions that citizens that want this "privilege" of carrying a concealed hand gun would only have to take a class that is all but 10 hours and pass a background check. These measures don’t really prevent someone who is mentally unstable but hasn’t shown signs of being unstable from passing the course and the background check, there are so many scenarios to what could happen and as i see the Texas officials are only thinking about themselves. The article depicts the reasoning as to why they have considered it at all and as far as i can see the reasons are only for their protection, they don’t mention anything about the citizens’ protection with these laws. Wayne Slater presents a good article for the purpose it was meant for but he should have talked about the bill and restrictions the bill has. I feel that he hasn’t fully explained how this law would work but in the end the article was mainly to talk about the why the law makers would consider passing it, if you care to read more about it you can read it at Dallas Morning News and its titled Measure would let Texas legislators carry concealed weapons into bars, churches, schools by Wayne Slater.