Thursday, March 24, 2011

And the Truth will set Us Free

After I began  reading the blog entry Your money now belongs to the state, but don't worry - it's not a tax posted on march, 21 in Harold Crooks blog Letters from Texas i realized the state politicians are very shady in how they get tax money, and how they use the money they manage to get from us. Cooks clearly lets the reader know what a tax revenue is and where it is, and that is real good for someone like me who has no or little interest in politics. He also talks about the way that this tax revenue isn't included when the budget writers are coming up with our budget.
        I adore the way Cooks said how the government tries to say that the things that they make us give them aren't taxes when in reality they are. He says they were once ours but now they're the governments, and they say there not taxes. Cook points out taxes the citizens don't even notice anymore, for instance the ones in our utility bills and the ones in our phone bills. This money accumulates over the years because like the author has mentioned very little or none of it has been spent, so instead of taking away teachers, librarians, counslers they should use that money to compensate for the a little of the shortfall we are facing today. Lastly he ends his entry in a way that gets the readers mind going. He states that the investigation that should be done cant be done because it takes money, he also says that they should lay out  a plan and that would be a good solution to like Cook said get us back on track financially speaking.

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